Bike Count Data
The Treasure Valley Cycling Alliances counts bikes (sometimes pedestrians) twice a year following the methodology laid out in this power point presentation. Counts occur during the months ofMay and September each year. Volunteers count either between 7AM - 9 AM, 11am- 1pm or 4PM - 6PM from selected intersections. If you are interested in counting check out our registration page for upcoming opportunities.
In the Summer of 2021, the League of American Bicyclists and Eco Counters recognized the TVCA's Bike Counting Program and completed a high level data analysis showcasing the growth of cycling in our community. The full analysis can be viewed here
Overall Statistics as 2007- Sept. 2021:
Top ten counting locations
In 2021, Boise State students from URBAN 410 conducted street level research on bike behaviors focusing on Neighborhoods, commutors, helmet use, school zones and the impact on construction. Their research help the TVCA recieve national recognition as well as influence our counting locations and frequency. Check out their reports here
Map of locations and counts over time
Any questions or count location requests should be emailed to